Scheduled Maintenance Report for LTU | Outages
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted Apr 28, 2021 - 08:00 AEST
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Nov 27, 2020 - 07:00 AEDT
Infrastructure and Operations are currently undertaking a major upgrade of the campus water mains. The estimated date of completion is 31st April 2021.
Various areas around campus will be utilised for materials to be stored, these areas will have temporary fencing erected. This project may generate some construction noise during this time.
Posted Nov 26, 2020 - 14:55 AEDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus Buildings (AGH | Animal Glasshouse Complex, AT | Agora Theatre, AB | Agri Bio Building, AW | Agora West, AE | Agora East, AH1 | Animal House, B | Boiler House, BG | Beth Gleeson Building, BS1 | Biological Sciences 1, BS2 | Biological Sciences 2, BW | Barnes Way, CC | Chisholm College- All Blocks / Buildings, CCO | Gatehouse, CCR | Childrens Centre, CS1 | Campus Services 1 (I&O), CS2 | Campus Services 2, CS2A | Campus Services 2A, CS3 | Landscaping, CSCN | Cycle Smart Centre North, CSCS | Cycle Smart Centre South, DMC | David Myers Building- Centre, DME | David Myers Building- East, DMW | David Myers Building- West, DWB | Donald Whitehead Building, ED1 | Education 1, ED2 | Education 2, EH1 | Ernest Jones Hall, EH2 | Ernest Jones Admin Block, ELT | East Lecture Theatres, EMA | The University Lodge- Building A, EMB | Mont Park Building B, EMC | Mont Park Building C, EMD | Mont Park Building D, EME | Mont Park Building E, EP1 | BM La Trobe Guest House, GC | Glenn College, GS | George Singer Building, HS1 | Health Sciences 1, HS2 | Health Sciences 2, HS3 | Health Sciences 3, HSC | Health Sciences Clinic, HSZ | Hooper & Szental Lecture Theatres, HU2 | Humanities 2, HU3 | Humanities 3, ISC | Indoor Sports Centre, JG | Jenny Graves Building, JSM | John Scott Meeting House, L | Library, LIMS1 | LaTrobe Institute For Molecular Science 1, LIMS2 | LaTrobe Institute For Molecular Science 2, LMC | La Trobe University Medical Centre, LPFP | Lower Playing Field Pavilion, LTSS | La Trobe Sports Stadium, LTWS | Wildlife Sanctuary, MAR | Martin Building, MC | Menzies College, NR1 | Annexe 1- Institute for Advanced Study, NR2 | Confucius Institute, NR3 | La Trobe Apartments, NR4 | La Trobe House, NR6 | Centre for Research on Language Diversity, NR7 | Graduate House - East, NR8 | Michael J Osborne Centre- Administration, OS1 | Outer South Building 1, OS2 | Sports Hub, OS3 | Melbourne City Football Club, OS4 | Outer South Building 4, PE | Peribolos East, PS1 | Physical Sciences 1, PS2 | Physical Sciences 2, PW | Peribolos West, RD1 | Technology Enterprise Centre Bld- 1, RD2 | Technology Enterprise Centre Bld- 2, RD3 | CARM Centre (CAVAL)- R&D Park, RD4 | VABC- R&D Park, RD4A | RD4A Glasshouses, RD4B | RD4B Glasshouses, RD4C | RD4C, RD6 | Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, RLR | R.L.Reid Building, SPP | Sports Park Pavilion, SS | Social Sciences, SW | Sylvia Walton building, SWA | South West Annexe, TER 1 | Terrace 1, TER 2 | Terrace 2, TER 3-6 | Terrace 3-6 (EPA), TER 7 | Terrace 7, TER 8 | Terrace 8, TER 9 | Terrace 9, TER 10 | Terrace 10, TER 11 | Terrace 11, TER 12 | Terrace 12, TER 13 | Terrace 13, TER 14 | Terrace 14, TER 15 | EPA Vehicle Testing Station, TLC | The Learning Commons, U | Union Building, UCC | Lifeskills Building, WA | Waterdale Apartments, WLT | West Lecture Theatres, ZA | Zoology Annexe, ZR | Zoology Reserve) and Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus Grounds (ACA | Academic Lawn, ANT | Antenna Site, AR | Agriculture Reserve, CD | College Drive, CG | Community Garden, CP1 | Car Park 1, CP2 | Car Park 2, CP2A | Car Park 2A, CP2B | Car Park 2B, CP2C | Car Park 2C, CP3 | Car Park 3, CP4 | Car Park 4, CP5 | Car Park 5, CP6 | Car Park 6, CP7 | Car Park 7, CP7A | Car Park 7A, CP8 | Car Park 8, CP9 | Car Park 9, CP9A | Car Park 9A, CP9B | Car Park 9B, CP9C | Car Park 9C, CP10 | Car Park 10, CP10A | Car Park 10A, CP11 | Car Park 11, CP12A | Car Park 12A, CP12B | Car Park 12B, CP12C | Car Park 12C, CP12D | Car Park 12D, CP13A | Car Park 13A, CP13B | Car Park 13B, CP14 | Car Park 14, CPV | Visitor Car Park, CS1 | Yard, CTR | Centreway, GD | Glenn Drive, MCD | Menzies Drive, MD | Moat Drive, NE | North Entry, PBI | Plenty Road Bus Interchange, PD | Park Drive, RR | Ring Road, SD | Science Drive, SDI | Science Drive Bus Interchange, SE | South Entry, SIM | Simpson Lawn, TW | Terrace Way, WE | West Entry).